
Showing posts from December, 2019

My chemo diary: Day 41

  Wednesday, 4 December 2019 - Tomorrow will be my seventh chemotherapy session. It feels almost unreal to think that I’m already on Day 41 of my 126-day chemo treatment cycle. My hair started falling out on Day 25. Other than that, I cannot say that I have any noticeable side-effects (yet).  Let’s talk about hair loss. When I speak to women in the breast cancer support group, most of them fear hair loss more than any of the other chemotherapy side-effects. I can understand why. Without hair you are exposed. But you must know that hair does not make you who you are. It is not easy having to face the real you, stripped naked for the world to see. You cannot hide the sadness in your eyes by letting your hair fall over your face. And you cannot express sensuality by untying your hair from a bun and shaking it loose to fall over your shoulders. Like the sexy biker-chick that takes off her helmet, or the swimsuit model who gets out of the pool. We use our hair to voice our mood, whether we