Winds of change

Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein , once said: "Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change." No shit! A little more than three weeks ago, our landlord casually informed us that he is leaving for Australia in just over three weeks. We have to find alternative accommodation because he will be selling the property. Sudden? Holy crap! We did not see that one coming at all! So, we have been frantically looking for a new house for the past three weeks. Just this morning, our offer to purchase a beautiful home in Parys (not Paris, unfortunately) has been accepted, and we are moving during the first week of April. But I don't want to write about our new home just yet. Ms Shelley hit the nail right on the head with what she said, but I think she meant that significant and sudden change is a total mind-fuck. Since that horrible night three weeks ago, I have not been abl...