My fight against breast cancer: the chokehold

Photograph by Heidi Fang I have been fighting breast cancer since August 2019. Unlike sportsmen and -women who train for years before they step into the ring, I did not prepare for my fight against breast cancer. I knew nothing about my opponent when the illness pushed me into the ring and said: "Fight!" The first blow left me breathless and in a daze. I stood there, unprepared, barefoot and without any protection. The only thing I could do was lift my hands to protect my face while my opponent delivered one punch after the other. But, I stood firm while my husband rushed to the ringside with some essential protection. There was no time for training. I had to get back to the fight. I realised that if I remain still, my foe has an easy target. So, I started moving my feet, my hands still protecting my face, to avoid the blows coming from my challenger. Although I am fighting without any training, I soon realised that I am stronger than I thought. It gave me some confidence, a...