Cancer: Remission vs Cured

On Friday, 19 February 2021, I met with my oncologist discuss the results of my three-monthly screening for breast cancer. I asked her about remission vs cured and where I fit into the classification. She responded that she would classify me as cured. Her answer came as quite a shock. After I had time to ponder the news over the weekend, I decided to research the different meanings of being in remission and being cured. Based on my research below, I strongly question my oncologist's use of the word 'cured', especially since I am still on adjuvant therapy for the next ten years. "The goal of adjuvant therapy is to kill any cancer cells that may remain after primary treatment in order to reduce the chance that the cancer will recur." ( Mayo Clinic ) I feel much more comfortable using the words 'complete remission' for now. As such, I think using #cancerwarrior is more appropriate than #cancersurviror. "The word cured refers to complete clinical remis...