The financial stresses related to freelancing (and a cancer diagnosis)

The dictionary defines a freelancer as someone who is "self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular assignments." I am a professional freelancer who specialises in creating content with earned media exposure in mind. In other words: press releases, thought leadership pieces and, may the gods help me, listicles . The latter is the PR Agency's favourite brief and my least favourite writing job. I also do PR and marketing strategies and consulting. My husband is a professional freelance opera singer . His favourite joke is: "What do you call an opera singer who is not in a relationship? Homeless!" It is especially true in South Africa where opera died a slow and painful death following the provincial performing arts councils' closure in the early 1990s. Having two freelancers in one household means that there is no fixed monthly income. Unlike full-time workers who earn a monthly salary, freelancers rel...